9419109563 9419109563 Phone
aadityapks1947@gmail.com Email

About Us

We known as fair financial consultancy firm As IFA in ist nov 2004 with the name of BNBFS ASSOCIATES. A lot has happened since it was founded in 2004,

In a era of constant changing and volatile financial Market, Investors need an Qualified / Trained and unbiased professional to assist them in achieving their short term and long term Investment goal.


At BNBFS ASSOCIATES our single utmost aim is to assist clients with dedication and integrity so that we exceed their expectations and build enduring relationships.


We are having more than 20 years of experience in Financial Services Sector. We offer technology based services for our clients to effectively monitor their portfolio and help them reach their financial goals. We are one solution for all insurance and investment needs. We focus at being the most reliable prompt and efficient provider of financial and insurance services. We endeavor to be one stop financial supermarket and to be of immense help to our investors and provide help regarding tax Solutions, retirement planning, wealth creation and insurance management.


Our main aim is to provide advisory solutions keeping in mind client's short and long-term goals by using various tools of asset allocation and financial planning and we take a reasonable amount of care whilst doing this.

 we owe a huge thanks to our community for joining us on this awesome journey, and we hope that you’ll continue to be a part of our story." With 3000 satisfied mutual fund customer and 1 lakh pan holder customers with the team of 10 dedicate staff we are here to serve globally.

we made the story bigger

(If You can imagine) 



We deals in


2 Systematic investment plan (SIP )

3 Health insurance

4 property



7 Gold buying consultancies

8 Recurring

9 Common services center (CSC)

10  tax consultant 

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Family Account

Access your family member's Portfolio
with one single login


Transact Online

Invest Online in Lumpsum or SIP
in mutual fund schemes.


Save Tax

Check out Tax Savings
and Invest into ELSS Funds



View your current market value,
your profits & losses.



Calculate the amount of wealth
required for your goal



Explore Mutual Fund schemes
and their performance


Focused Funds

Check out our recommended funds
and invest into them


Market Views

Get monthly market outlook
from the experts


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your important documents.



Mobile App

Manage your wealth & track your family’s portfolio with one single login. You can easily and quickly invest in Mutual Funds from the app. Explore funds, view their performance and invest. Start an SIP or invest Lumpsum. Check out our recommendation of funds under Focused Funds. Whether you made profits or loss, check out from the reports. Simply Login and setup a 4 digit PIN for subsequent login so that you don’t need to enter your Username & Password every time. Download Now!

Mutual Funds

What is a Mutual Fund?

A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. It is essentially a diversified portfolio of financial instruments - these could be equities, debentures/bonds or money market instruments. The corpus of the fund is then deployed in investment alternatives that help to meet predefined investment objectives. The income earned through these investments and the capital appreciation realised are shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned by them. Thus a Mutual Fund is a suitable investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost.

You could make money from a Mutual Fund in three ways:

  • Income is earned from dividends declared by Mutual Fund schemes from time to time

  • If the fund sells securities that have increased in price, the fund has a capital gain. This is reflected in the price of each unit. When investors sell these units at prices higher than their purchase price, they stand to make a gain

  • If fund holdings increase in price but are not sold by the fund manager, the fund's unit price increases. You can then sell your Mutual Fund units for a profit. This is tantamount to a valuation gain

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Contact Us


9419109563 9419109563
Email aadityapks1947@gmail.com
Address: ranbir Singh pura
C/o Avtar market complex, Above neelam ultrasound, near bus stand, 1nd floor,
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